Thursday, August 12, 2010

Analogy : Exercise

This week task is write a short statement or poem that describe the concept of 'LOVE', 'LIFE', 'PAIN', 'HAPPINESS', ' MAN OR WOMEN ' to each pic.

Concept of LOVE~

Love is like chili, u will get tears because of it, but u will still try it as well.

Love is like chocolate, sweet and bitter and every women like it!

Concept of LIFE ~

Life is like a candle, appreciate the time its bright, because we do not know when it will goes to the end.

Concept of HAPPINESS~

Happiness is like candy, let every children have a sweet and joyful childhood moment.


Happiness is like donut, lots of favour and colour, bring differents kind of happiness to our life.

Concept of MEN~

Men is like a dumbbell, hard, strong and protective. Not easily to destroy.

Concept of PAIN~

Pain is like drugs, make us suffer and we will want to keep away from it.

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